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iOS Native UI Components


Native Module and Native Components are our stable technologies used by the legacy architecture. They will be deprecated in the future when the New Architecture will be stable. The New Architecture uses Turbo Native Module and Fabric Native Components to achieve similar results.

There are tons of native UI widgets out there ready to be used in the latest apps - some of them are part of the platform, others are available as third-party libraries, and still more might be in use in your very own portfolio. React Native has several of the most critical platform components already wrapped, like ScrollView and TextInput, but not all of them, and certainly not ones you might have written yourself for a previous app. Fortunately, we can wrap up these existing components for seamless integration with your React Native application.

Like the native module guide, this too is a more advanced guide that assumes you are somewhat familiar with iOS programming. This guide will show you how to build a native UI component, walking you through the implementation of a subset of the existing MapView component available in the core React Native library.

iOS MapView example

Let's say we want to add an interactive Map to our app - might as well use MKMapView, we only need to make it usable from JavaScript.

Native views are created and manipulated by subclasses of RCTViewManager. These subclasses are similar in function to view controllers, but are essentially singletons - only one instance of each is created by the bridge. They expose native views to the RCTUIManager, which delegates back to them to set and update the properties of the views as necessary. The RCTViewManagers are also typically the delegates for the views, sending events back to JavaScript via the bridge.

To expose a view you can:

  • Subclass RCTViewManager to create a manager for your component.
  • Add the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() marker macro.
  • Implement the -(UIView *)view method.
#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

#import <React/RCTViewManager.h>

@interface RNTMapManager : RCTViewManager

@implementation RNTMapManager


- (UIView *)view
return [[MKMapView alloc] init];


Do not attempt to set the frame or backgroundColor properties on the UIView instance that you expose through the -view method. React Native will overwrite the values set by your custom class in order to match your JavaScript component's layout props. If you need this granularity of control it might be better to wrap the UIView instance you want to style in another UIView and return the wrapper UIView instead. See Issue 2948 for more context.


In the example above, we prefixed our class name with RNT. Prefixes are used to avoid name collisions with other frameworks. Apple frameworks use two-letter prefixes, and React Native uses RCT as a prefix. In order to avoid name collisions, we recommend using a three-letter prefix other than RCT in your own classes.

Then you need a little bit of JavaScript to make this a usable React component:

import {requireNativeComponent} from 'react-native';

export default requireNativeComponent('RNTMap');

The requireNativeComponent function automatically resolves RNTMap to RNTMapManager and export our native view for use in JavaScript.

import MapView from './MapView.tsx';

export default function MyApp() {
return <MapView style={{flex: 1}} />;

When rendering, don't forget to stretch the view, otherwise you'll be staring at a blank screen.

This is now a fully-functioning native map view component in JavaScript, complete with pinch-zoom and other native gesture support. We can't really control it from JavaScript yet, though.


The first thing we can do to make this component more usable is to bridge over some native properties. Let's say we want to be able to disable zooming and specify the visible region. Disabling zoom is a boolean, so we add this one line:


Note that we explicitly specify the type as BOOL - React Native uses RCTConvert under the hood to convert all sorts of different data types when talking over the bridge, and bad values will show convenient "RedBox" errors to let you know there is an issue ASAP. When things are straightforward like this, the whole implementation is taken care of for you by this macro.

Now to actually disable zooming, we set the property in JavaScript:

import MapView from './MapView.tsx';

export default function MyApp() {
return <MapView zoomEnabled={false} style={{flex: 1}} />;

To document the properties (and which values they accept) of our MapView component we'll add a wrapper component and document the interface with TypeScript:

import {requireNativeComponent} from 'react-native';

const RNTMap = requireNativeComponent('RNTMap');

export default function MapView(props: {
* Whether the user may use pinch gestures to zoom in and out.
zoomEnabled?: boolean;
}) {
return <RNTMap {...props} />;

Now we have a nicely documented wrapper component to work with.

Next, let's add the more complex region prop. We start by adding the native code:

RCT_CUSTOM_VIEW_PROPERTY(region, MKCoordinateRegion, MKMapView)
[view setRegion:json ? [RCTConvert MKCoordinateRegion:json] : defaultView.region animated:YES];

Ok, this is more complicated than the BOOL case we had before. Now we have a MKCoordinateRegion type that needs a conversion function, and we have custom code so that the view will animate when we set the region from JS. Within the function body that we provide, json refers to the raw value that has been passed from JS. There is also a view variable which gives us access to the manager's view instance, and a defaultView that we use to reset the property back to the default value if JS sends us a null sentinel.

You could write any conversion function you want for your view - here is the implementation for MKCoordinateRegion via a category on RCTConvert. It uses an already existing category of ReactNative RCTConvert+CoreLocation:

#import "RCTConvert+Mapkit.h"
#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
#import <React/RCTConvert+CoreLocation.h>

@interface RCTConvert (Mapkit)

+ (MKCoordinateSpan)MKCoordinateSpan:(id)json;
+ (MKCoordinateRegion)MKCoordinateRegion:(id)json;


@implementation RCTConvert(MapKit)

+ (MKCoordinateSpan)MKCoordinateSpan:(id)json
json = [self NSDictionary:json];
return (MKCoordinateSpan){
[self CLLocationDegrees:json[@"latitudeDelta"]],
[self CLLocationDegrees:json[@"longitudeDelta"]]

+ (MKCoordinateRegion)MKCoordinateRegion:(id)json
return (MKCoordinateRegion){
[self CLLocationCoordinate2D:json],
[self MKCoordinateSpan:json]


These conversion functions are designed to safely process any JSON that the JS might throw at them by displaying "RedBox" errors and returning standard initialization values when missing keys or other developer errors are encountered.

To finish up support for the region prop, we can document it with TypeScript:

import {requireNativeComponent} from 'react-native';

const RNTMap = requireNativeComponent('RNTMap');

export default function MapView(props: {
* The region to be displayed by the map.
* The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of
* coordinates to display.
region?: {
* Coordinates for the center of the map.
latitude: number;
longitude: number;

* Distance between the minimum and the maximum latitude/longitude
* to be displayed.
latitudeDelta: number;
longitudeDelta: number;
* Whether the user may use pinch gestures to zoom in and out.
zoomEnabled?: boolean;
}) {
return <RNTMap {...props} />;

We can now supply the region prop to MapView:

import MapView from './MapView.tsx';

export default function MyApp() {
const region = {
latitude: 37.48,
longitude: -122.16,
latitudeDelta: 0.1,
longitudeDelta: 0.1,
return (
style={{flex: 1}}


So now we have a native map component that we can control freely from JS, but how do we deal with events from the user, like pinch-zooms or panning to change the visible region?

Until now we've only returned a MKMapView instance from our manager's -(UIView *)view method. We can't add new properties to MKMapView so we have to create a new subclass from MKMapView which we use for our View. We can then add a onRegionChange callback on this subclass:

#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

#import <React/RCTComponent.h>

@interface RNTMapView: MKMapView

@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTBubblingEventBlock onRegionChange;

#import "RNTMapView.h"

@implementation RNTMapView


Note that all RCTBubblingEventBlock must be prefixed with on. Next, declare an event handler property on RNTMapManager, make it a delegate for all the views it exposes, and forward events to JS by calling the event handler block from the native view.

#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>
#import <React/RCTViewManager.h>

#import "RNTMapView.h"
#import "RCTConvert+Mapkit.h"

@interface RNTMapManager : RCTViewManager <MKMapViewDelegate>

@implementation RNTMapManager


RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(onRegionChange, RCTBubblingEventBlock)

RCT_CUSTOM_VIEW_PROPERTY(region, MKCoordinateRegion, MKMapView)
[view setRegion:json ? [RCTConvert MKCoordinateRegion:json] : defaultView.region animated:YES];

- (UIView *)view
RNTMapView *map = [RNTMapView new];
map.delegate = self;
return map;

#pragma mark MKMapViewDelegate

- (void)mapView:(RNTMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated
if (!mapView.onRegionChange) {

MKCoordinateRegion region = mapView.region;
@"region": @{
@"latitude": @(,
@"longitude": @(,
@"latitudeDelta": @(region.span.latitudeDelta),
@"longitudeDelta": @(region.span.longitudeDelta),

In the delegate method -mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated: the event handler block is called on the corresponding view with the region data. Calling the onRegionChange event handler block results in calling the same callback prop in JavaScript. This callback is invoked with the raw event, which we typically process in the wrapper component to simplify the API:

// ...

type RegionChangeEvent = {
nativeEvent: {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
latitudeDelta: number;
longitudeDelta: number;

export default function MapView(props: {
// ...
* Callback that is called continuously when the user is dragging the map.
onRegionChange: (event: RegionChangeEvent) => unknown;
}) {
return <RNTMap {...props} onRegionChange={onRegionChange} />;
import MapView from './MapView.tsx';

export default function MyApp() {
// ...

const onRegionChange = useCallback(event => {
const {region} = event.nativeEvent;
// Do something with `region.latitude`, etc.

return (
// ...

Handling multiple native views

A React Native view can have more than one child view in the view tree eg.

<MyNativeView />
<MyNativeView />
<Button />

In this example, the class MyNativeView is a wrapper for a NativeComponent and exposes methods, which will be called on the iOS platform. MyNativeView is defined in MyNativeView.ios.js and contains proxy methods of NativeComponent.

When the user interacts with the component, like clicking the button, the backgroundColor of MyNativeView changes. In this case UIManager would not know which MyNativeView should be handled and which one should change backgroundColor. Below you will find a solution to this problem:

<MyNativeView ref={this.myNativeReference} />
<MyNativeView ref={this.myNativeReference2} />
onPress={() => {

Now the above component has a reference to a particular MyNativeView which allows us to use a specific instance of MyNativeView. Now the button can control which MyNativeView should change its backgroundColor. In this example let's assume that callNativeMethod changes backgroundColor.

class MyNativeView extends React.Component {
callNativeMethod = () => {

render() {
return <NativeComponent ref={NATIVE_COMPONENT_REF} />;

callNativeMethod is our custom iOS method which for example changes the backgroundColor which is exposed through MyNativeView. This method uses UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand which needs 3 parameters:

  • (nonnull NSNumber \*)reactTag  -  id of react view.
  • commandID:(NSInteger)commandID  -  Id of the native method that should be called
  • commandArgs:(NSArray<id> \*)commandArgs  -  Args of the native method that we can pass from JS to native.
#import <React/RCTViewManager.h>
#import <React/RCTUIManager.h>
#import <React/RCTLog.h>

RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(callNativeMethod:(nonnull NSNumber*) reactTag) {
[self.bridge.uiManager addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary<NSNumber *,UIView *> *viewRegistry) {
NativeView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag];
if (!view || ![view isKindOfClass:[NativeView class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Cannot find NativeView with tag #%@", reactTag);
[view callNativeMethod];


Here the callNativeMethod is defined in the RNCMyNativeViewManager.m file and contains only one parameter which is (nonnull NSNumber*) reactTag. This exported function will find a particular view using addUIBlock which contains the viewRegistry parameter and returns the component based on reactTag allowing it to call the method on the correct component.


Since all our native react views are subclasses of UIView, most style attributes will work like you would expect out of the box. Some components will want a default style, however, for example UIDatePicker which is a fixed size. This default style is important for the layout algorithm to work as expected, but we also want to be able to override the default style when using the component. DatePickerIOS does this by wrapping the native component in an extra view, which has flexible styling, and using a fixed style (which is generated with constants passed in from native) on the inner native component:

import {UIManager} from 'react-native';
const RCTDatePickerIOSConsts = UIManager.RCTDatePicker.Constants;
render: function() {
return (
<View style={}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
rkDatePickerIOS: {
height: RCTDatePickerIOSConsts.ComponentHeight,
width: RCTDatePickerIOSConsts.ComponentWidth,

The RCTDatePickerIOSConsts constants are exported from native by grabbing the actual frame of the native component like so:

- (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport
UIDatePicker *dp = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init];
[dp layoutIfNeeded];

return @{
@"ComponentHeight": @(CGRectGetHeight(dp.frame)),
@"ComponentWidth": @(CGRectGetWidth(dp.frame)),
@"DatePickerModes": @{
@"time": @(UIDatePickerModeTime),
@"date": @(UIDatePickerModeDate),
@"datetime": @(UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime),

This guide covered many of the aspects of bridging over custom native components, but there is even more you might need to consider, such as custom hooks for inserting and laying out subviews. If you want to go even deeper, check out the source code of some of the implemented components.